Asa cum ma asteptam de la Dan Antoniu, un cercetator cu care
istoriografia privind aeronautica romana se mandreste, cea mai recenta
lucrare publicata de domnia sa este una de cea mai ridicata valoare,
atat din punct de vedere documentar, pentru ca informatia cuprinsa in
volum este extrem de importanta, cat si din punct de vedere grafic.
Autorul prezinta un inventar in imagini al aeronavelor care au zburat
sub inmatriculare romaneasca, sau cel putin in serviciul Romaniei, pana
in anul 1948. Fotografiile, descoperite prin stradania sa in toate
sursele posibile - arhive oficiale, romanesti si straine, colectii
particulare, targuri, expozitii, muzee, au fost scanata cu grija, la o
rezolutie foarte mare, ceea ce a permis apoi restaurarea lor.
carte care atrage cu siguranta toate categoriile de "consumatori", de
la cei care cauta atat informatie istorica, cat si material iconografic,
la cei care prefera sa citeasca cate 1000 de cuvinte dintr-o data,
vazand o fotografie. Sunt sigur ca lucrarea lui Dan Antoniu va avea un
succes deosebit, asigurat si de accesabilitatea sporita prin redactarea
bilingva a textului (traducator este un alt specialist in domeniu, Radu
Like I expected from Mr. Dan Antoniu, a notorious scientist
specialized in the history of our Romanian aeronautics, the most recent
work he has published is a very valuable one, both from the documentary
point of view, as the information included here is extremely important
and rich, and from the graphic point of view. The author gives us an
inventory in photos of the aircraft having flown in the Romanian
service, or under Romanian registration, up to 1948. The pictures, that
the author has found after intense search in all the possible sources -
official Romanian and foreign archives, private collections, fairs,
exhibitions, museums - were carefully scanned at high resolution, which
allowed their restoration.
This book will
be interesting for all categories of "consumers", from those who look up
historical information to those who like photographic images of
aircraft. I am sure that Dan Antoniu's work will have a great success,
especially thanks to its bilingual text, the English translation is done
by another specialist, Mr. Radu Branzan.